Musical Monday
Who said Mondays need to be manic… when they can be musical! Join Cygnet for a series of cabaret style entertainment from some of your favorite local musical theatre stars. Each concert will have a new, fun theme.
January 29
Bac·cha·nal (băk′ə-năl′, -näl′, băk′ə-nəl)
1. (Classical Myth & Legend) a follower of Bacchus
2. a drunken and riotous celebration
3. a participant in such a celebration; reveller
2. a drunken and riotous celebration
3. a participant in such a celebration; reveller
. Featuring Bryan Barbarin (Parade), Eileen Bowman (On the 20th Century), Manny Fernandes (Gypsy), Melissa Fernandes (A Christmas Carol), Steve Gouveia (Shockheaded Peter).