
Corporate Partnership

Corporate Partnership

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be a leader in advancing the arts in san diego

Achieve your philanthropic mission and reach your target demographics while supporting Cygnet Theatre’s award-winning, innovative artistic and engagement programs. Cygnet partners with corporations and foundations throughout San Diego County and has a wide range of benefit packages available that include unique entertainment opportunities, networking with high profile Cygnet supporters, and co-branding your business in front of our 45,000 annual patrons. We would be happy to work with your company to create a benefit package that best suits the needs of your business.

There are several ways your company can become a Corporate Sponsor.


  • Monetary contributions for general operations or directed toward a specific program.
  • Production sponsorship.
  • In-kind donations of goods or services.
  • Corporate matching of employee contributions.

Whether your goal is recognition as a philanthropic business, marketing and branding opportunities, providing employee volunteer opportunities, or offering your employees or clients a memorable theatrical experience, Cygnet Theatre values your support and the impact it has on the artistic and cultural landscape of San Diego.

Depending on your level of support, we offer additional benefits to our corporate sponsors.


  • Prominent association with Cygnet Theatre.
  • Inclusion in advertising and marketing campaign and public relations efforts (print & web).
  • Access to an educated, loyal, diverse and professional audience through product display opportunities.
  • On-site acknowledgement including Opening Night VIP tickets.
  • Complimentary tickets to Cygnet’s season, tickets for client entertainment and employee discounts.

For more information on corporate opportunities or to become a corporate sponsor, please contact Marinda Peugh at 619-574-0059 x121 or marinda@cygnettheatre.com.

Be a Part of the Arts!

Corporate partnerships help support quality theatre, which encourages dialogue, education and community involvement, and engagement in the arts.

Support Cygnet Theatre

Donate Now

Make your tax deductible donation online. You can also call us at the number below to ask questions, make a pledge, or set up monthly payments.

Contact Us

If you would like more info on partnering, please contact:


Marinda Peugh

Development Director

619-574-0059 x121



Mail a check to:

PO Box 87523

San Diego, CA 92138

Featured Donors

Legacy Giving Testimonial by Robin Lipman
After becoming a subscriber, I started meeting some of the same people at performances and events.  I began developing friendships based on shared common interests.  These friendships included not just fellow theatergoers, but also Cygnet staff and performers. After a while, I was sharing not only common interests, but also a desire this nascent theater be nurtured and grow into an established and flourishing theater with longevity.  I wanted to be part of the success of Cygnet, as if it were a child and I a parent or aunt.  This is family.
- Robin Lipman