
David McBean

David McBean

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David McBean is a Resident Artist at Cygnet Theater and a “Christmas Carol” regular. Other Cygnet credits include “Fully Committed” (SD Critic’s Circle Craig Noel Award), “Pageant”, “Little Shop of Horrors”, “Dirty Blonde”, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “The Book of Liz”, and “Burn This”.  Other selected credits include: “Travels With My Aunt”, “Unnecessary Farce”, “Shipwrecked”, “Charley’s Aunt” “Pageant” at North Coast Rep, “10% Review”, “The Rocky Horror Show”, “Psycho Beach Party”, “The Boys in the Band”, “The Mystery of Irma Vepp”, “Bunbury”, “Twist” at Diversionary Theater, and “The Great American Trailer Park Musical” at the SD REP.