
Patty Gallagher

Patty Gallagher

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Patty Gallagher is an actor, choreographer, and director with specialties in Shakespeare, Beckett, and Clown.  She has performed and taught in Asia, Europe, South America, and the US. Favorite roles include Maria Callas (Master Class, Jewel Theatre), Winnie (Happy Days, California Shakespeare Theatre), Rosencrantz (R&G Are Dead, Rogue), Hoopoe (Conference of the Birds, Folger), The Dromios (Comedy of Errors, SCS), and Fool (King Lear, Rogue).  She is a Fulbright Scholar (Ecuador), and an Artistic Associate at both Santa Cruz Shakespeare and the Rogue Theatre. She is a Theatre Professor at UC Santa Cruz, and received her Ph.D. from the UW-Madison.